Off-the-Radar Oil

Keith Kohl

Written By Keith Kohl

Posted July 17, 2011

Welcome to the Energy and Capital Weekend Edition — our insights from the week in investing and links to our most-read Energy and Capital and sister publication articles.

With crude prices still hovering dangerously near $100 per barrel, we could be facing a serious oil crunch within the next few years.

Scary thing is, we may be even closer to that point than we think…

Last year, crude prices were stuck between $65 and $85 per barrel.

We weren’t expecting that to last, and sure enough, prices quickly moved back into triple digits:

crud eoil price 7-14

What most people don’t realize is that production increases simply won’t be able to keep pace.

This week, the IEA even warned us that demand would soon top 91 million barrels per day. 

We’ve already covered this topic. Most of the world’s spare capacity is of lesser quality…

But is that the fate of our future oil supply? Are we stuck with the heavy, grossly-expensive-to-extract oil left in the ground?

Perhaps not…


Oil Off the Radar

The moment I stepped foot into the office yesterday, I knew I was in for a treat.

What tipped me off was the sight of my colleague, Christian DeHaemer, casually leaning against my desk. He was grinning ear to ear.

The last time I was greeted like this in the early morning hours, two things happened…

First, I spent the next few hours hearing Chris’s take on the upcoming oil boom in Africa.

Now, I’ll admit I didn’t see this coming. Whenever I’d previously considered possible sources of our future oil supply, I’d always thought of the harshest drilling environments on the planet: the ultra-deep waters off the Gulf of Mexico or the frigid waters of the Arctic.

I’d also been paying attention to the growing interest in unconventional onshore resources. Of course, tapping into those last few dregs of oil will come at a steep price…

Which is another reason my eyes lit up after hearing Chris’s take on the energy scenario in East Africa.

(I recommend checking out the report following his latest expedition to Kenya to attend the East Africa Oil Conference, where he spent time with company execs and industry insiders.) 

And second, Chris hadn’t even finished speaking before I was dialing my broker’s number — and I haven’t looked back since.

More Energy Profits for Your Portfolio

Although market volatility can be gut-wrenching at times, it’s during this volatility that the smart money plays its hand.

In fact, the worse things are in the market, the more excited we get. There is truly is no better time to buy than when there’s blood in the streets — even if the blood is your own.

The problem for most investors, however, is the latter half of the line…

Jumping right into this volatility can be a daunting venture. Here are several ideas to help you get started.

Peak Oil Profits: Buying the Future of Oil
With crude prices trading just shy of $100, Peak Oil has become a reality. However, there is a distinct difference between accepting the reality of this situation and preparing for it. Fortunately, a small number of investors are lining up their next round of Peak Oil profits… and you can still get in on the company operating in nearly all of the best unconventional plays in North America.

China’s Technology Metals: Your $273 Billion Piece of Real Estate
Editor Ian Cooper’s latest investment report focuses on a remote piece of Arctic land boasting $273 billion worth of technology metals. Early investors have the opportunity to make some serious coin with the $1.50 mining company positioned smack dab in the middle of this discovery.

Invest In Materials of the Future Today: For Sale: Flying Car
Flying cars and invisible planes… all made possible by modern materials. 

Investing in Silver Bullion Coins: The Best (and the worst) Silver Coins
Founder and Publisher Brian Hicks gives investment details on the best (and worst) silver bullion coins for investment today. 

Gold at All-Time Highs: Chinese Inflation Spurs Gold
Gold priced in euros hit a new record price last night. It’s about to break out in dollar terms… and if it does, we are off to the races.

Energy Crisis Coming: Russia’s Mad Dash to Growth
About a month before I took a 30-hour trip to Ulaanbaatar, I flew Ethiopian Air to Nairobi, Kenya. Upon arrival, I discovered two things: Successful Somali pirates were buying up all the real estate in the nice part of town, and…

Strategic Petroleum, Indeed: Majors Buy SPR Crude as Supply Continues to Slide
You should find our wanton oil disbursement a bit peculiar, especially since your own government defines the SPR as the “nation’s first line of defense against an interruption in petroleum supplies.” So tapping it inherently implies we’re facing an interruption in petroleum supply.

Peak Oil: Tighter Supply Ahead: Flirting with Peak Oil Disaster
For how long will the Saudis be able to bail out global production? Keith Kohl sheds light on the reasons the world’s tightening oil supply is headed for full-blown panic mode…

Historic Rare Earth Discovery: Bet On the Giant Squid Instead
Analyst Ian Cooper uncovers the truth behind the rare earth find in the Pacific Ocean, explains why the discovery won’t keep prices from rising, and offers a few ways to profit from on-land REE companies.

Africa Energy Opportunities: Uncovered: Africa’s Secret Energy Stash
Editor Jeff Siegel discusses new energy opportunities in Africa.

Anatomy of a Stock Market Rip-off: The W/WSAoW Propaganda Machine has Failed Again!
The Weasels can bend the market for an hour, a day, or even a week… But in the end, the truth is always revealed.

Silver is Now Rarer than Gold: $100 Silver Now a Conservative Target
Silver is now rarer than gold. Today is a critical time for investors to own the white metal. Precious metals Analyst Luke Burgess explains.

Enjoy your weekend,

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Keith Kohl
Editor, Energy and Capital

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